Did you know buildings, including offices, are responsible for nearly 40% of global energy-related carbon emissions? Many businesses don’t realise that office f...
What role does your team play in ensuring your business performs at its best? Is it:🧹CleaningYou or your team leader conduct cleaning audits?You do regular sto...
As an SME, every business decision needs to work hard for your money. When you're looking at your office setup, trying to balance costs, appearance, and environ...
Remember that office furniture project you completed with us? While you were creating your perfect workspace, something bigger was happening. Every desk, chair,...
We’re proud to announce that Quidos Cleaning Services has secured the school cleaning contract at Ss Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary Academy in Cramlington! D...
Making Smart Choices for Your Office FurnitureGreat news that matters for your next office project: CBRE has just approved Coggin SOS as an official supplier of...